Extraction Update: Check Please!

So I wrote a few days ago about the fact that I had two of my wisdom teeth removed.  I considered writing a follow-up at the end of the day after – if I had, it would likely have read generally of how the pain wasn’t as bad as I’d expected and that I may not even need the stronger pain meds they’d given me.  If I had written that, I would have been writing a scathing retraction the very next day.

It is true – the day after was pretty smooth and my pain was minimal.  I even went to work and served a full day without complaint or incident (well, some complaint over the fact that I was stuck eating soup while my colleagues enjoyed free tacos).  But Thursday seemed to bring more pain than I could have expected and today was not much better.  The sensation of having two full-sized teeth pulled from my jaw was (and still is) much more palpable than that first day after had prepared me to experience.

I’m doing my best to plow through it.  I’m taking ibuprofen horse pills as often as my prescription allows, cycling through antibiotics, ice packs and salt water rinses as needed and occasionally drinking and eating what I can manage (I surprised myself today by eating a whole cheesesteak … minus the bun … and without actually chewing any of it).  I have stronger pain pills I can also take and do when I go to bed, but given my work schedule this week, bed is not someplace I’ve spent nearly enough time lately.

Hopefully the weekend will bring more relief.  Hopefully by Monday I will be feeling enough better that I don’t feel like going home halfway through the day (at least not due to my teeth).  Hopefully sometime in my near future I will be able to eat something besides yogurt and applesauce (I’m surprisingly not as hungry as I feel I should be, but I miss chewing my food).  Only time will tell.  I’m just glad I shouldn’t need to go through this again … hopefully.

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