Unintentional Sponsorship

I was reviewing my home page tonight and I couldn’t help but notice that every ad that was displayed on it was politically-oriented.  This, in and of itself, didn’t surprise me – most of the posts I’ve written in the past 2 weeks have been related to coverage of the conventions and the candidates.  The detail that I found personally disturbing, though, was that most of these ads seemed to mention McCain and/or Palin (or if they mentioned Obama, it seemed negatively tinged).  

If there is one thing these last 2 weeks has cemented in my mind, it is that I am fairly liberal-minded.  I have known that already, but if there was any doubt.  Whatever doubt Obama hadn’t extinguished, Palin finished off (Jon Stewart helped a bit, too).  But I guess because I spent more time talking about the negatives and the issues that I took with what I heard of late, the code that tries to figure out what keywords to base advertising on saw a saturation of GOP-related information.  I guess if I was eagerly committed to shifing this tide, I could just write a whole paragraph or 2 of Barrack Obama over and over again (or I could actually write something positive about him … worth considering).  But I’m not that petty – after all, the advertisers are paying me, not vice versa.  So if a couple of pennies from McCain’s warchest end up trickling into this liberal’s bank account, so be it.  I mean, if by some chance he manages to get elected, I’m a long way from that $5 million middle-class mark so I’ve better start working on getting there.

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