Muddy Mud …

NOTE:  Before continuing, I want to note that the following words are not meant as harsh so much as sardonic, satirical, and generally a reflection of my own bemusement.  So if any of it seems to come from a place of malice, that is not my intent.

I’ve been watching coverage of the DNC spottily (word?).  Last night I happened to catch some of Larry King Live afterward and had the misfortune of watching a certain Ms. Elizabeth Joyce talk about her “Just Say No Deal” stance in regard to Obama.  From what I could gather from the garbled responses to King’s questions, it seems that she feels (as a prior Hillary supporter) she has been shafted by the DNC and not given adequate reason to give her vote to Barrack. Read more “Muddy Mud …”

It’s Not Easy Being Green

As I sit here watching Bill Clinton and John Kerry talking about the problems of today and the direction we need to go moving forward, certain elements strike a chord.  Most of them relate to green – namely the environment and the economy – and they both relate to struggles I see in my own life.  As they speak about our role as a nation in steering the world towards a more Earth-friendly lifestyle, I think about my own efforts to be conscious of my ecological footprint.  Ans as they speak about the downturn in jobs and wages in our nation during Bush’s reign, I can’t help but think of my own past and present struggles. Read more “It’s Not Easy Being Green”

Paradise Stop-Lossed

I recently rented the movie Stop-Loss.  While I appreciate the value of a military, I myself would be the last person to suit up for that type of role.  I do not have a very strong sense of patriotism beyond the fact that I would like to maintain my lifestyle.  In a way I envy people who can be so devoted to a nation – any nation – to the point that they are willing to put their life on the line.  There is a pride in that that I have yet to experience.  But back to topic. Read more “Paradise Stop-Lossed”