Don’t Chuck Chuck!

Lately I’ve been writing a lot about TV shows.  Today will be no different (maybe it is because of sweeps … or maybe I just watch too much TV).  Today I’m writing about one of my favorite shows on the air – ChuckChuck is in its sophomore season and has proven to be quite an enjoyable series.  Sure it maintains a certain level of hi jinx, but it is all part of the fun of the show.  Unfortunately this is yet another show that is inexplicably
on the bubble”. Read more “Don’t Chuck Chuck!”

Senseless Acts of Apathy

As is probably evident to those who know me or read here often, I watch a lot of TV. And every year I must content with the fact that not all of the shows that I like end up getting carried forward. Sure, I will grumble and moan about these decisions, but usually I see the logic and take solace in some new material that fills the void. But today I was doing some research to see what changes I should anticipate, and I have to say that I’m not happy with what I’ve read. Read more “Senseless Acts of Apathy”

I Watch(ed) the Watchmen

I’ve been an on again off again comic book fan – never a die-hard, but always an appreciator of the form in the least.  And while I like many of the DC heroes, I tend to read more in the Marvel universe – there is a gritty realism there that the DC realm sometimes lacks.  One glaring exception to this rule is the mini-series arc from the 1980’s entitled Watchmen by Alan Moore.  I personally only read the series sometime last year around the time that I first learned there was a film being adapted from it.  It was dark, visceral, and exposed and exploited many of the flaws and brutalities of humanity and through all that it was beautiful and well crafted.  And yesterday I saw the film … in full IMAX glory. Read more “I Watch(ed) the Watchmen”

Dresden, Wizard

I stated previously that I may post reviews of The Dresden Files books here some time ago.  Since then, I’ve read four of them and just started the fifth.  So I’m thinking I should make good on my previously implied intent.  This, however, is not going to be that review.  I will collect my thoughts on each one and review them separately in due time. Read more “Dresden, Wizard”