‘Til the Princess Gets Annoyed

It seems that my daughter has reached the age where she must start experiencing some rites of passage.  And by that I mean she is apparently old enough to watch older PG movies that we liked as kids.  It all started with a home maintenance project and culminated on YouTube. Read more “‘Til the Princess Gets Annoyed”

You Didn’t See Anything

The title would be a quote from Madagascar, specifically from the penguins which made the movie worth watching.  Today we went on a family outing to see the sequel at a matinee showing.  It had to be done since my daughter had been asking about it and/or had the opportunity to see it held over her head since Friday (she’s been in a funk recently – not listening, snapping and throwing things when she doesn’t get her way – picture teenage angst mixed with ADHD in a 5-year-old body).  So with the kids eager to go, we head to the theater.  By the time we get there my daughter changes her mind about seeing it as she started mixing up Madagascar and The Wild in her mind (if I thought it was a sequel to The Wild, I wouldn’t want to go either).  But we straightened her out and again we are good to go. Read more “You Didn’t See Anything”

Anakin Gets Animated … Again

I spent the better part of 15 minutes the other day explaining to my 4-year-old daughter where the new Star Wars: The Clone Wars fits in the schema of the Star Wars Saga. It was a convoluted conversation about timelines, etc. that likely didn’t need to be had being that (a) she won’t likely remember it and (b) her only exposure to the other Star Wars stories so far has been in the form of watching me play Lego Star Wars on my PlayStation. But at least the latter may end up being rectified other the next few months through some trips to Blockbuster. Read more “Anakin Gets Animated … Again”

Paradise Stop-Lossed

I recently rented the movie Stop-Loss.  While I appreciate the value of a military, I myself would be the last person to suit up for that type of role.  I do not have a very strong sense of patriotism beyond the fact that I would like to maintain my lifestyle.  In a way I envy people who can be so devoted to a nation – any nation – to the point that they are willing to put their life on the line.  There is a pride in that that I have yet to experience.  But back to topic. Read more “Paradise Stop-Lossed”


I finally made it out to see “Dark Knight” (see my prior post to read more about my delays in getting to the theater).  My sister-in-law volunteered to babysit the kids for the evening so my wife and I could step out on a date.  And what better date for a couple married over 11 years than one that involves very little conversation (sorry, dear – the joke was there).  She wanted to see it as much as I did, so it was a welcome retreat for both of us.  Though after seeing it, I think she isn’t sure it was the retreat she had hoped for. Read more “Knighted”