Gender Roles

My wife recently had an interesting post on her blog that I found myself rereading, and I feel the need to address the topic from a male perspective.  To sum up, the issue at hand was women in business and the use or their “femininity” to get their feet in the door.  My wife, being a modern, down-to-earth feminist, found this concept insulting and degrading (as did numerous commenters to her post) since talent and merit should stand independent of gender.  And I agree with her.  But working in the world (and happening to be a guy), I felt like throwing in my two cents on the topic. Read more “Gender Roles”

Coming to Terms

I’m feeling rather introspective at the moment.  Life is full of change and complication and agendas that could care less how well you keep up.  If you don’t take time to reflect on where you have been and where you are going, the journey loses a lot of its meaning.  These words feel somewhat ironic as most of the time I find myself giving my wife the opposite advice – she has a tendancy to let the past and the future overwhelm her so I ground her by telling her to focus on the present.  In truth, we need balance; we need to live in the moment while not losing sight of the past or losing focus on the future.  But no matter how much it is preached, it is a difficult lesson to embrace. Read more “Coming to Terms”

If Only I Had Insomnia

Tonight is the fifth night that I have been awake until 3:00 AM or later and it is catching up with me.  I wish that I could say that I’ve been up doing something fun.  I wish that I could say that I’ve been up doing something productive and worthwhile.  I would even be content to be able to say that I’ve been up because I wasn’t tired and couldn’t get to sleep or because my kids have kept me up.  No, unfortunately this series of late nights have been work-related and the majority of that work has been waiting  and monitoring. Read more “If Only I Had Insomnia”

Here’s Where the Story Ends

Today I lost a friend.  He is still alive, and we are still friends (I assume), but our relationship will not likely ever be the same as it was … well … as early as this morning.  This morning I arrived at the office, setup my laptop at my desk and, as I often do, walked to the office next door where my friend sits to chat while my laptop came to life.  I found him enjoying some music that reminded him fondly of a cruise he had been on last year (relevant as he will be going on another cruise in a matter of days).  We chatted about the music, discussed some work-related matters, and I departed back to my own office to go about my business.  The sad irony is that the song he was enjoying was one by the Sundays whose name is the title of this post.  Less than 30 minutes later, he had been laid off and escorted out of the office. Read more “Here’s Where the Story Ends”

Win Some, Lose Some

This week is a bittersweet week for me.  On Wednesday night, I went out to a bar with a bunch of colleagues to watch the Phillies win the World Series, which was awesome.  But the real reason for the outing was a farewell to the CTO and founder of our company as he was resigning and Thursday was his last day with the company.  So I find myself sitting here on Halloween, on the day of the celebration parade for the World Series win, on a day that I will be getting a catered lunch and get to leave early to take the kids trick-or-treating, in a rather ho-hum mood. Read more “Win Some, Lose Some”