Socially Conscious

It seems that I’m branching out.  I’ve done something that I didn’t think that I’d ever do – I signed up on Facebook.  I avoided it for a long time, but now I’m in and I can’t leave it alone.

The thing is, I’m not technophobic.  Internet technology is my life and my work.  I’ve been doing some form of social networking long before it had a name.  In college, well before the majority of the world knew what a website was (mostly because very few people had seen one yet), I had found myself absorbed into a realm of online chat rooms and bbs sites and usenet groups – so much so that I nearly failed my second semester.  Which is precisely one of the reasons that I have forced myself to be cautious of my involvement in such services since.

I use email and IM, but mostly only as needed and primarily reactively (many of my friends can attest to the fact that I’m not very good at keeping in touch).  I’ve generally reserved my use of the internet as an information tool and avoided active engagement.  Even this blog is something I do fairly casually and without any strong compunction to vigilance (readership is not a strong goal here – though I do thank those of you who choose to read).

So as I said, I took that plunge.  It was initially not intended for dedicated use (I actually created my account to be able to test something for work).  But I’m not it now and I’m connecting with lots of people that I haven’t talked to or seen in years (in some cases, decades).  I try to limit the time I spend there (it can be addictive), but I’m there and I’m embracing it.  I figure it will be an interesting way to learn some things about some of the people with whom I’ve crossed paths (and maybe they will learn a few things about me as well).  Maybe my life will be profoundly effected by people I previously barely knew.  Who knows.  The least I can do is branch out there and see what happens.’s Magic Giveaway with HP and Microsoft

Again, I’m pimping one of these giveaways.  But the truth is that this is a great giveaway and it is great to see a company like HP being so generous this time of year.  I mean these guys are gifting out $6000 worth of equipment TIMES 50!!  Each of 50 blogs that they chose has the full $6000 package of stuff to give away.  And the only catch is that you have to pay it forward?  Even if I gave ALL of it away, I’d still feel better for winning. Read more “’s Magic Giveaway with HP and Microsoft”

Shout-out to Jake Ludington

Okay – this is the second post in a matter of days that is related to me entering a contest sponsored by HP.  The truth is that it is a great contest and I would love to be able to be so charitable.  The truth is that I am struggling to figure out what to get for my own kids within our budget, not sure whether my wife and I will be able to afford to give each other gifts valued above $10 (which has been par for the course for years now), but none of this bothers me more than the fact that I can’t afford to be more charitable.  So I’m being selfish – I want to enjoy the feeling of giving this stuff away. Read more “Shout-out to Jake Ludington”

Thoughts on Poetic and Tech

In exploring the blogisphere, I recently stumbled upon an interesting member by the name of Liz Henry.  I’d like to say that I discovered her work by casual means, but in truth I was following a lead on an interesting contest that HP is sponsoring.  But in doing so, I found someone I will likely continue reading as well as a 10-year-old speech about programming languages that was surprisingly undated (see the related post here). Read more “Thoughts on Poetic and Tech”