A Call to Arms

It seems that given my liberal stance, to some I may not be considered American enough to make such a statement.  Which is what compels me to direct your attention to something that my better half wrote that everyone should read and consider.  She at least has taken a positive position on this matter.  Part of me is compelled to use this forum of mine to sling mud back in the other direction.  But I am doing my best to rise above such inclinations.

In the least, we all need to realize that the fact that we don’t agree on everything is not only ok, it is essential to our progress on so many levels.  Without conflict, there is no drive.  Without disagreement, there is no discussion.  We should not be striving for equalibrium, but for growth.  If we start to assume that the answers to the problems of today need be no different than those of yesterday or tomorrow, then we have lost sight of things and any answer developed under such pretenses is bound to fail.

I cannot find the quote I’m looking for, but I read a quote once that went something to the effect of this:  One man has no more right to extinguish the voice of the rest of the world than the world has to extinguish the voice of one man. (if anyone knows what quote I’m looking for here, please help me out)  While I agree that every person is entitled to their own opinions and the expression thereof, when said opinions enfringe upon the freedoms and rights of others I don’t think such opinions need be broadcast and the media in this nation needs to be careful to what extent they allow these voices to be heard.  I accept that in this nation we have separatists and reactionary factions just as we have anarchists, racists, liberals, socialists, fundamentalists, etc.  But we don’t need another witch hunt in this nation.  If your state or district is represented by someone who might hold such values as to startup a new era of McCarthyism, you best do your part to see that your vote reflects the representation in which you believe.

Again – read and consider.

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