I Need a Hero

Two years ago Heroes was my new favorite show even before I saw it air.  Once it did, I was not disappointed.  The first season rocked!  The second season was only lacking in length due to the writers’ strike (which I totally supported, but also ruined my year of entertainment).  This season started on an interesting note, but has felt a little sour at times and doesn’t measure up to what I expect from it.

I was slightly encouraged the other day when I found out that two of the writers on the show were fired.  I don’t follow the details enough to know how much of things they are responsible for historically, but the fact is that they have been writing it and I haven’t been thrilled.  Hopefully their replacements can bring the show back to its roots.  Perhaps they need to give the show a termination point as Lost has done.  I don’t know what they fomula is, but something needs to give because the super-hero genre is suffering as a result.  I actually think that I’ve been happier at times this season with the writing on Smallville than Heroes.  But that could be because I don’t have as high of expectations in that case – Smallville is as consistently mediocre as it always has been.

Here are my primary gripes with this season of Heroes:

  • Very few of the characters seem to do things that are smart or normal – Peter moreso than most.  Why does Peter waltz into so many messes without thinking things through?  Why didn’t Claire shoot the puppet freak with the taser right away before he had time to stop her?  Why does Parkman opt to be so creapily honest with Daphne?
  • None of the returning characters are doing anything along the lines of honing their abilities and those with multiple powers seem to forget half of the ones that they have.
  • I’d rather have split-personality Nikki back than can’t-face-her-own-reality Tracy (and my guess is that they will kill off Tracy before they introduce Barbara).
  • I’m tired of trying to guess at what some people’s abilities are – they need to just clear the air on some of these issues so they can focus on the actual drama of the situation.

Hopefully with the writing changes, we will soon see scripting where the characters actually think things through and react to situations in ways that make more sense.  If not, then I worry that this show won’t last to see another season.  And then I’d have to find a new favorite show.

One thought on “I Need a Hero”

  1. We’ve hardly watched Heroes all season, after being addicted the first two seasons. It just got too gorey and too confusing, with all the time traveling and “which Peter is that?” and Parkman’s where and Mohinder wouldn’t REALLY inject himself. I know it’s a black-box sci-fi but some things are just too hard to believe.

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