Garbled Lyrics

I take a modicum of pride in the fact that I expose my kids to modern music rather than strictly kids stuff.  While they do listen to and enjoy some of the kids music, they mostly prefer less bubble-gummy fare.  And while I am happy that our tastes can overlap, most of this pride is in the fact that they have a keen enough sense of self to be selective in what they like.

To get to the point, one song that is on one of the CDs they listen to often in the family car, which also happens to be one of my ringtones on my phone (I like the introductory guitar sequence) is “Psycho” by Puddle of Mudd.  Often when it comes on in the car, my 2-year-old son will joke that I should answer my phone.  The other day, though, he had my wife in tears as he is singing it to himself without the song on to back him up as his interpretation of the chorus is “baby I’m a wow” (with significant twang on the word ‘wow’) – for those unfamiliar, the actual line goes “maybe I’m the one”.

Here is a video for the song (unfortunately I don’t have video of my son belting out his version):  Psycho – Puddle of Mudd

2 thoughts on “Garbled Lyrics”

  1. I love this. I too am proud of my children listening to modern music. Bob Marley being their fav. I was watching the Today show a few weeks ago, and my 7 year old was thrilled that Sean Kingston was doing the concert, because she hears him on the school bus. He proceeds to sing “Beautiful Girl”, and when the chorus comes around (you’ve got me suicidal), Bella is belting out “Going to my school recital.” I like her version better.

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