Out of Network

I will admit that I’m not big on online social networking.  Maybe I’m too old or it just doesn’t seem important enough, but I don’t have a page on FaceBook or MySpace (actually I do have one on MySpace, but only for work-related testing – I have no friends there, I even deleted Tom).  I don’t have any interest in Twitter, and most of the web content I read is for news/information.  I signed up a few years back on Classmates, but only to try and find some old friends from high school – I don’t keep my information current.  To all of this, there is one exception – LinkedIn. Read more “Out of Network”

Dark Nights

Those who know me know that I am a fanatic about all these comic book movies they’ve been producing in recent years.  So as no surprise this summer’s comic book blockbusters have been like a slice of heaven for me.  I’ve seen the Incredible Hulk (loved it), Iron Man (loved it enough to see it twice), Indiana Jones (okay, not really a comic book movie, but close to the genre) and … not Dark Knight. Read more “Dark Nights”


A few weeks ago I took my kids to see the latest Disney/Pixar production, Wall-E.  As was to be expected, it was amazing – stellar CG work combined with a heart-warming story that both kids and adults can enjoy.  But I can’t help but continue to ponder the sub-text of this film (I will do my best not to ruin the movie for those who haven’t seen it yet, but procede with caution).

The setting of the movie is Earth some 800 years in the future.  And what we find is a landscape riddled with garbage.  And it would seem that the failure of society to avoid such a fate is directly tied to the success of american consumerism.  And what is truly scary about this nihilistic outlook is that it may not be much of an exaggeration. Read more “Wall-Eyed”

Day One

Okay, I know that blogging is not a new phenomenon.  And I’m not exactly new to the internet – I was in chat rooms back in the days of BBS and TELNET (when WWW was but a twinkle in some CS Engineer’s eye); I was setting up LANs in my father-in-law’s office as a summer project back when Microsoft’s only network-enabled OS was Windows 3.11.  I’m sorry, I geeked out a little bit there.  My point being that I have been immersed in the web for nearly as long as it has been around.  And yet my wife managed to break into the world of blogging before I got around to it (which you can feel free to check out).  But I digress.

I declare this blog, much like my mind (and now my mouth), opened.  If you like movies, TV, music, comics, the Internet, technology, video games (I think that covers most people somehow), then you will find my musings on such topics here.  Feel free to comment, supplement, complain, or tell me I’m full of crap.  I have a fount of useless knowledge at my disposal that I’m not afraid to use and what I don’t know, I will likely make up and try to make it sound believeable.  Feel free to call me on that, too.  But let the games begin!