SNL: Cold Open Was Solid, Rest Was Luke-Warm

With rumors of an Obama appearance, this Saturday I found myself doing something I can hardly every remember doing – getting excited to watch Saturday Night Live.  Sure, I’ve enjoyed it from time to time.  I’m as big a fan of sketch comedy as anyone.  But never a die-hard fan of the show.  But having been watching weeks of telelvision this summer ripe with satirical potential (e.g., the Olympics, the conventions), I’ve been itching to see how the SNL crew might capitalize on some of this.  I was initially greeted with some of the political humor that I was thirsting for, but most of the rest of the show turned out to be a bit less pallatable. Read more “SNL: Cold Open Was Solid, Rest Was Luke-Warm”

Unintentional Sponsorship

I was reviewing my home page tonight and I couldn’t help but notice that every ad that was displayed on it was politically-oriented.  This, in and of itself, didn’t surprise me – most of the posts I’ve written in the past 2 weeks have been related to coverage of the conventions and the candidates.  The detail that I found personally disturbing, though, was that most of these ads seemed to mention McCain and/or Palin (or if they mentioned Obama, it seemed negatively tinged).   Read more “Unintentional Sponsorship”

Palin Comparison

I know that I’m very liberal-minded, but I also consider myself fairly objective and open-minded.  So I’ve been watching the Republican National Convention almost as concertedly as I had watched the DNC last week.  I try to listen to the people speaking without feeling defensive because I want to understand their perspective and not end up being as guilty of double-standards as many of the Fox News pundits have been lately (watch last night’s The Daily Show with Jon Stewart for such evidence).  It is more difficult than I thought. Read more “Palin Comparison”

Muddy Mud …

NOTE:  Before continuing, I want to note that the following words are not meant as harsh so much as sardonic, satirical, and generally a reflection of my own bemusement.  So if any of it seems to come from a place of malice, that is not my intent.

I’ve been watching coverage of the DNC spottily (word?).  Last night I happened to catch some of Larry King Live afterward and had the misfortune of watching a certain Ms. Elizabeth Joyce talk about her “Just Say No Deal” stance in regard to Obama.  From what I could gather from the garbled responses to King’s questions, it seems that she feels (as a prior Hillary supporter) she has been shafted by the DNC and not given adequate reason to give her vote to Barrack. Read more “Muddy Mud …”

It’s Not Easy Being Green

As I sit here watching Bill Clinton and John Kerry talking about the problems of today and the direction we need to go moving forward, certain elements strike a chord.  Most of them relate to green – namely the environment and the economy – and they both relate to struggles I see in my own life.  As they speak about our role as a nation in steering the world towards a more Earth-friendly lifestyle, I think about my own efforts to be conscious of my ecological footprint.  Ans as they speak about the downturn in jobs and wages in our nation during Bush’s reign, I can’t help but think of my own past and present struggles. Read more “It’s Not Easy Being Green”